A Nice Quick Classic
If you can manage a weekday non-summer hike, you’ll have most of the trail to yourself despite the fact that this is a very busy hike most of the time.
This is one of the closest-to-Portland places to hike in old-growth. It’s a good stop on the way to or from Mt. Hood if you have some visitors from out of town.
Lock your car, don’t leave any valuables in it either because Oregon.
You will need to create an account and/or login to see the map with hike track and photo locations.
6.4 mi
2 hrs 32 min
Moving Time
25:31 min/mi
- 2 hrs 43 min
Total Time
- 11 min
Stopped Time
- 2.5 mph
Moving Speed
- 2.4 mph
Avg Speed
- 530 ft
- 503 ft