We’re Back, I Guess
After what seemed like an interminable hiatus, we might be back to hiking. The circumstances behind our increased free time aren’t to anyone’s liking, but at least we have it now. The poor get happy, don’t they.
This isn’t what I would call a technical, hard, or steep hike, but there’s something about the tread that makes it very difficult. You can’t find any rhythm and the footing is difficult.
It was one of those rare days where you could wear a t-shirt on the beach and it was especially nice after the winter we’ve had.
You will need to create an account and/or login to see the map with hike track and photo locations.
- 4 hrs 13 min
Total Time
- 48 min
Stopped Time
- 1.4 mph
Moving Speed
- 1.1 mph
Avg Speed
- 1228 ft
- 1192 ft
4.8 mi
3 hrs 25 min
Moving Time
53:19 min/mi