I’m usually not one to talk smack about a hike, but this one hardly makes the cut.
This hike comes highly recommended for those looking for solitude in a sometimes crowded Gorge. I’m guessing no one goes here because it’s not really that nice.
I don’t mind 2000 vertical feet and I don’t necessarily mind a trailhead fee, but I do mind walking miles and miles of gravel roads, I’m not fond of hiking through all second-growth forests either. We did it, but we stopped short of the full summit by 1/2 mile and I’m ok with that.
The heat/humidity and bugs at the start didn’t help.
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- 8.6 miDistance
- 3 hrs 39 minMoving Time
- 4 hrs 28 minTotal Time
- 2.3 mphMoving Speed
- 1.9 mphAvg Speed
- 31:12 min/miPace
- 48 minStopped Time
- 1961 ftAscent
- 2119 ftDescent