I can’t tell you where this is, what I’m I was doing here, or why I’m I was here, but it’s it was supposed to be my new office for the next year. I can tell you I’ll be camping I camped behind a gate two to six times a month and it should be was pretty awesome and maybe a bit boring and lonely sometimes.
Essentially the work ended because someone came along and said they could do better than my company could.
This job gave me my dose of the outdoors that I don’t get enough of sometimes, kept me working in biology, provided me with an awesome opportunity to fly in a helicopter for two long days, and made our lives a little more complicated but easier to afford for a few months.
I’ve never mourned the loss of a job quite like this and I’m really not sure why it was so hard to lose, but it was.
Photos are in approx. chronological order from mid-November to mid-April
Scroll way down for aerial/helicopter photos.
Helicopter Surveys
Below are all the photos and a map / GPS track from the aerial raptor nest surveys I conducted just before the plug was pulled. I’ve relocated the track both in latitude and longitude for confidentiality reasons. The track is here because I thought it was pretty interesting. The N/S transects are 1km apart and the area surveyed was a 10 mile radius around the project site.